OverviewCOGPOW Community Outreach is a private, non-profit, organization with operations in Conyers, Georgia; Roxbury, Massachusetts; and LaFerronnay, Criox Des Bouquets (Haiti). Pastor John Hick’s, of First United Methodist Church, homily served as the catalyst that triggered viable ideas that are leading us toward the actualization of The Dream! Then, the many wonderful people of “America’s sweetest little town” (Clewiston), jumped on the bandwagon and are still doing all that they can to help make it happen. In the forefront are the members of my church family who support this project in any way they can, but, most importantly, support me in prayer, as well as my community in Roxbury, MA, particularly my fellow teachers and students from Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers. Over the past 5 years, a two-room school was built (with one room functioning at first), and about 20 students received an education for the first time. Numerous funds, school supplies, and clothing items have been donated since then. Today, COGPOW continues to provide development and needed supplies for the people of LaFerronnay, Croix-Des-Bouquets (Haiti).
Vision and Mission Statement
To transform the quality of life of Haitian children in the La Ferronnay community by creating Christian educational opportunities for children, who would not otherwise have them, so that they may become competent and productive citizens who will excel individually, communally, and spiritually, and have a desire to create a better life for themselves, their families, their communities, and their country.